A new online community for people who love to discover handmade products, special offers and exclusive content from independent makers, designers, artists and shops around Australia!

Let’s do our bit to support independent makers, designers, artists and shops
and help to keep them in business. Together we can make a difference!


Calling all lovers of independent makers, designers, artists and shops from around Australia. Take a sneak peek inside our community and see the benefits of becoming a CJ Insider.
(Free sneak peek)


Sign up to hear about the launch of the CJ Insiders Hub – our new online community for people who love to support and buy from artisans around Australia and support small businesses.
(Monthly subscription)


Calling all independent makers, artists, markets and shops from around Australia! Apply now to collaborate with us and be featured in our new online community.
(Free to apply)


Independent makers, designers, artists and shops from all around Australia need our support. We’re here to make it easy for you to discover, empower and connect with them. We believe in the power of community over competition and collaborate with businesses to bring you curated content and special offers, all in one easy online space. We believe together we can do great things!